Wednesday 23 November 2016

Broading my scopes


A lifetime ago I used to write for Elle. Flipping my trusty cards and understanding of the stars - 

My heart is yelling loudly that I used to that here so I am going to start Jan 1. These will me monthly but I will surely give a yearly overlay. 

This is my intuitive sense .Not a full on astrology read it's what the cards say. 

Look forward to your input 

Soul Contracts and Karma and The Guy who you cant stand at the office

Soul contracts.. its a loaded topic for these times. Beware before reading further. I will get uncomfortable.
Its hard for many of us to accept that some of the toughest of the times in our lives and the hurts connected to it . its given to us by the most of loving of our friends in our soul group. Our Soul group is like a class group that is connected by God and destiny to learn and clear and reduce our karma .
Karma is such a dreaded word and yet all the defination of the word ” karma” is lesson. The lesson that takes us back into the Oneness of self.
Back to Soul contract. The beings who love us the most are the ones who hurt us and teach us the harsh lessons. So FORGIVE And FORGIVE AND FORGIVE as hard as you can .. and thank them and bless them. such a deed is hard to do but you will slowly see the obstacles and issues you face will fade and vanish .. because as you forgive others and you forgive yourself and the Higher Self shines forth ..

Saturn the Bad Boy of the Universe

With the recent Saturn transit soon upon us : i have been asked again and again. What can be done to lower the impact of Saturn .
Saturn is so feared that it is said that Saturn is the root word from which Satan is from?
Such harshness for the Chief Examiner of the Karmic Examiner Board. It is Him that makes things secure. At work ; he makes you sure that you are well grounded in your job and sure and focused in what you do and who you relate to . to pay more attention. In love, He makes you true to your love and helps you be secure and sure of the person you are with it. School, he makes you try and try and try hard to beat the exams results and also learn about your life too .
So the trick is to understand that he is stern but very very compassionate about teaching us about our karma so we can be released from it. How much compassion is he that he gets the worse names and curses and still stays with us to gift us the release of our pain and karma and chaos.
Hold on to Saturn and ask him to be your tutor. Ask him to obviously point the right choice and lesson and he will point happily and guide you sweetly lovingly and give you all the blessings and wealth ..
HE is the compassionate Shani Bhagawan .


Hey . Hi. thanks for dropping by 

if you are here I am sure that you looking for something. an answer a path. a truth 

I am too. I love the journey inward only that will only happen as we understand the outward

I believe that all life is karma and the only way to have a surrendered life to uncomplicate our lives. 

to stop walking the path and becoming the path 

I am both psychic and I enjoy the methods my ancients have inspired to understand and measure our karmas and how to get around it . 

So come sit a while and lets walk together.