Thursday 20 April 2017

Back from India

Here I am back from India. which was a wonderful experience but i have come back with a new clairty . Thats this wonderful word called karma.
God has a good sense of accounts and truly this is what i have acertained in this short journey . However see karma is the set of blinders we use to willingly forget we are always in Union with God. And we play out the dramas again and again.
God( generic non religious labelled ) has also allowed us to make our efforts to clear through this karma and reach back to the Divine Beloved. More on my travels and insights shortly

Saturday 21 January 2017

Angels in the Hindu World.

Greetings. I hope all have got rested from their rest during the holidays and now are back at work and creating your lives during this 2017. 

A question was asked of me and it was rather interesting. 

Do Hindus have angels? 

It was asked by a friend who is Hindu by tradition but is doing angel readings. 

that really set me thinking. 

Do we?

well, let's get something out of the way. 

They do not look like this.

The official view of the faith is that there are less divine beings who are messengers and servants of the Divine who are there to help us because we are reaching towards God.

If you are in strict Sadhana, you are building your Light body and your Divine Spark grows. As it grows. As it grows. the Higher beings get pulled towards you and in any way start removing the specks of darknesses that you have held on to . An example of this is the Hanuman Chalisa. 

Also in my personal sense of it, Mother is always there holding us in Her arms and in that brightness, nothing dark can come near. It is Her love that is so powerful that darkness is dispelled by a blink of Her eyes. 

So why do angel readings work? 

Perhaps because we need to be given permission and guidance by the Divine ones on how and where to focus and manifest what we need. and then Mother sends her assistants to make sure it has done all in Divine Order. 

We are dear to Her and like little children, as we focus and lean on Her. all is given and blessed. 

this is my sense anyway 

Just love . Message for the year 2017