Saturday 31 December 2016

Dhanus ( Sagitarrius )

Bhuvaneswari Devi 

Blessed beings that you are. This year is going to be full of blessings and goodness and pure clarity . much like a cake before the icing. All doors and openings and agreements go your way . Your challenge is going to be staying focused because there are going to be so many options you can choose from. Best to keep centred and allow the blessings and goodness to come than to reach for it. Charity you have to give is ghee to the temples for the lamps. This will help you lower your karma and therefore allow you to be more aware and clear on the choices you are taking

Mother Bhuvaneswari is who is the goodness is all things. Her blessings to you is to always manifest clearly and focus clearly too on the end result .

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