Friday 30 December 2016

Mesha( Aries)

Tara Devi

This is a year for resetting foundations . The last year has been about seeing truly with your inner eyes and not with your ego eyes. The challenge of the coming year is to have the confidence that all will be well and all that you manifest will unfold for you . You are being given a new slate and discern well. Money will come and the way to replenish is to give a little bit to charity and this year the charity of choice is to give children school supplies. This giving of education will give you the blessing of discernment and to see truth in all things.

The  Devi that stands for you is Tara Devi . Mother of Compassion. She also gives you the compassion of wisdom that is kind. to accept all as they are with patience and to clearly choose your journey without hurt and hinder.

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