Monday 5 December 2016

Scopes How to read them

The traditional Tarot has 16 court cards . 

The various suits  break down into the 4 elements of Water , Fire , Air and Earth . and also into King , Queen , Prince and Knave . 

Ok . so the readings go like this 

All the earth signs are Taurus , Virgo and Capricorn

All the Water signs are Pisces , Cancer and Scorpio 

All the Fire signs are Aries , Leo and Sagittarius 

All the Air signs are Aquarius , Gemini and Libra

So by this system . King of Wands will be a Fire Signs 
                                King of Coins will be Earth Signs 

                                King of Cups will be Water Signs

                                King of Swords will be Air Signs. 

I hope you enjoy the column as we journey together. I will still be writing articles but this will be rather entertaining I am sure 

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